About US
We are a friendly and welcoming group of Christians who live in, or near, the market town of Cowbridge in the Vale of Glamorgan. We are an autonomous independent church worshipping in the Free Church tradition, Bible based and with prayer at its heart. The wider community respects us for open fellowship, friendship, non-judgemental approach to all and desire to share all our facilities. Ultimately, we are a friendly group of people ready to learn more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
As an interdenominational church, formed in 1971, from the uniting of local Congregational, Methodist and Presbyterian churches with 'Ramoth' Baptist Chapel, we function independently but take guidance from and are affiliated with the Baptist Union.
We have members from all of the main denominations of the Christian faith as well as those with no particular affiliation. Our church welcomes and values everyone regardless of age, gender, marital status, or sexuality. We have a membership of fifty and an active group of non-members.
Our leadership team – known as Church Council - is elected from church membership. The Church Members Meeting is held every three months and is the decision-making body.
Every fortnight a Bible study group meets in members’ homes. During Lent several more weekly home groups meet involving people from other local churches as part of Churches Together in Cowbridge.
Children are very welcome and their is Junior Church provided most Sundays during the morning service.
We have several groups who use our various rooms for community activities including dementia friendly clubs, local choirs, baby and toddler groups, uniformed organisation and health and well-being groups. Some of these activities are led by church members or attendees.
The chapel is regularly used for concerts by a variety of community groups.
We have previously held Harvest Suppers, Bring and Share lunches, Safari suppers, Quiz nights, Strawberry Teas and off-site day and weekend retreats.